How to cite Mountains in a research paper?

The Mountains® software is frequently used in research work and results and illustrations produced by Mountains are included in scientific publications. This page recommends citation formats for scientific papers.

Common styles to cite Mountains®

The version number of Mountains can be found in the "About" dialog in the "Help" tab.

The generic product name, Mountains®, mentioned above can be replaced by the specific product:

The Mountains® is a reference for surface analysis and an essential tool for researchers. Its algorithms are compliant and verified with rigourous methods. Read more about our quality methods and the verification methods of parameter algorithms.

Scientific publications citing Mountains®

Many researchers cite Mountains® in their publications. These publications are listed on this site, until 2017, after which too many publications citing Mountains made it impossible to list them. View the publications citing Mountains.

Publication written or co-authored by Digital Surf

Digital Surf collaborators, engineers and researchers, publish in several journals and contribute to conferences. Their work are referenced below. Do not hesitate to cite these publications in your papers.